Blog post #2
Where Are They Now ?
“Faeries are often portrayed in Western children’s stories as tiny, winged, and good hearted. However, this description varies widely from worldwide folk traditions in which beliefs concerning hidden races sharing the earth with us have resided for most of human history." (Faerie Central)
"Much of their behavior was much like humans as well; they had governments, societies, marriages, children, and war. They were often mortal and therefore, could be killed. However, unlike humanity, they had supernatural powers, which made them, at best, unpredictable and at worst, dangerous. Few people sought out the company of faeries and most went out of the way to avoid it.” (Faerie Central)
Even though fairies are none existent in our world today, contemporary storytellers (writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians, game creators, etc.) use fairies in their creations. Things that interest me are films, and when I thought about it, I figured out that there are quite a few films with fairies in them, especially children’s Disney movies.
Fairies can be seen in movies such as;
- Hook
- Thumbelina
- Fern Gully
- Faeries
- Photographing Fairies
- The Fairy King
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Fairy Tale
- Cinderella
- Fantasia
- Peter Pan
- Sleeping Beauty
- Tinker Bell
Each of these films have a different way in portraying the Fairies. So even though according to history Fairies no long exist, we still keep the thought of them alive using painting, films, books, and games.
“Faerie Central” 1998-2009. Web. 7 November 2010.
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