Blog post #4
Also Known As: Shoemaker
Of all the fairies people, the one that most people today are familiar with is the leprechaun. However, there is a big difference between what we imagine a leprechaun being like now and what it was viewed like back then.
The leprechaun was mischievous and known for playing practical jokes upon mortals (Celtic Mythology Faeries).They dressed in homely style clothes that looked very ordinary. The leprechaun was a tiny male figure, with an aged face.
Leprechauns were said to have become self-appointed guardians of ancient treasure, being the guardian of the treasure the buried it in pots. This may be one reason why leprechauns tried to avoid contact with us humans in which they regarded us as foolish, flighty, and greedy creatures.
If a human/mortal caught a leprechaun, it was said that if the mortal was to give the leprechaun his freedom, the leprechaun would grant the mortal great wealth.
In the pockets of a leprechaun was two things, in one was a silver coin, that would return straight to his pocket once it was paid out to someone. In the other was a gold coin that would be used as a bribe during rough situations. Research says this coin turns straight to leaves or ashes when the Leprechaun parts with the coin (Irish Fairies).
**Helpful Tip:**
Don’t take your eye off one of these guys, because they will vanish in a split second.
"Celtic Mythology: Fairies." Timeless Myths .com. 6 March 2005. Web. 17 November 2010.
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